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Updated, 30 September 2024
Shire of Ravensthorpe has implemented a Summer Priority Booking Program for both Starvation Bay and Mason Bay Campgrounds when bookings for this period are released in three stages only several months prior. Hamersley Inlet Campground is excluded from this program and only the normal 6 months advance booking restrictions apply.
Each year the summer school holiday period (December/January) are kept on hold for our coastal campgrounds for the following:
- Stage One Priority Release* Tuesday, 17th September to 2pm Monday, 30th September 2024 (THIS STAGE IS NOW CLOSED): to allow local families enrolled in the VacSwim program to stay on site whilst their children undertake swimming lessons. Due to government safety requirements, boat owners should be aware, similar to it’s introduction last year, that the boat launching area at Starvation Bay will be closed (approx 7.45am to 12noon) whilst swimming lessons are in progress
It is important for parents considering swimming lessons at Starvation Bay this summer and wanting to camp on site not to delay registering your child with the Education Department summer VacSwim enrolments which is currently open as you will need to provide this as proof with your campground booking request form (also available from Shire offices) Please ensure you complete all details on the form to avoid any delays in your application being processed. (Limit one campsite booking during the Vacswim period per family/household).
With the 2025 VacSwim regional summer program starting later than usual, it is important for families to note that bookings will only be taken to enable attendance for the swimming lesson period: ie IN: 05/01/2025 and OUT: 18/01/2025 (limit one campsite booking per family for these dates). Bookings that are outside of these dates will need to meet the criteria in accordance with Stage two or three of the Priority program.
- Stage Two Release - Open Tuesday, 1st October to 3pm Friday, 11th October 2024: Bookings are open to local residents and ratepayers within the Shire of Ravensthorpe only. (Limit one campsite booking per family/household and you cannot book on behalf other family members as booking address must show local residency). Proof of residency or ownership of property will be required prior to receiving the password if you've not booked with us before or are a new resident. Password requests should be made through your secure SpacetoCo account and we will let you know if we require additional information.
- Stage Three Release - Saturday, 12th October 2024: Bookings open to the general public (automated from midnight Friday night). Please choose your campsite carefully to ensure that you will be able to fit within your designated area as changes may not be able to be accommodated and all bookings are non-refundable.
To ensure eligibility during Stage One and Stage Two release, please note that our campground booking system (for Starvation and Mason) will have to shift from instant booking to pending (ie requiring approval first). Unfortunately, this will impact all bookings whilst this feature is switched on (even if you are booking outside of these dates). We regret any inconvenience and will give priority to processing bookings that are outside of the summer period. During this period, if you make a last-minute booking and have not received confirmation please contact us 9839 0000.
Once we shift to Stage Three release (when bookings open to everyone), the system will revert back to instant booking.
Watch this space for more updates or follow us on Facebook @FitzgeraldBiosphereCoast where we will start rolling this information out from next week.
HINT: You don't need to wait for bookings to open to set up your SpacetoCo account (our booking portal). We recommend if you don't have one already set up, to do this prior to the booking release, which will help speed up your booking. Please also have all of your vehicle registrations on hand when it’s time to book (eg car/caravan/camper trailer etc) as you will need this to be able to complete your booking.
If you need assistance with our booking platform in preparation for the summer time rush, please get in touch with our friendly Customer Services Officers 9839 0000 for advice.
We hope you get the opportunity to enjoy the experience of coastal camping in the picturesque Fitzgerald Biosphere Coast region!
If you don't want to wait, Hamersley Inlet Campground is currently open for bookings in December 2024 and January 2025.
Book Your Campsite Now!
or SCAN QR Code to access Booking Portal: